HEALA has submitted two Promotion of Access to Information Act (PAIA) applications one to the National Treasury and the other to the National Department of Health. In the application to Treasury, HEALA demanded records of evidence that informed their decision to delay the increase of the health promotion levy and for them to share meeting minutes between them, the sugar cane industry, and the Consumer Goods Council concerning the HPL. And the one to the National Department of Health, HEALA requested an update on making amendments to the R146 regulations, related to front-of-pack warning labels, available for public comment. As well as any records or submissions from the Consumer Goods Council pertaining to this be shared with them.
Both departments have acknowledged receipt of HEALA’s PAIA applications, respectively. Treasury has gathered information from the relevant business units within the department and has drafted a response, which has been sent to their legal services for final review before their information officer can sign it off. Treasury has promised to give HEALA a response no later than Monday, 10 October 2022. However, the National Department of Health, upon HEALA’s request, has failed to tell HEALA when they can expect to receive their response.